Unveling the Santa Guitar.: no strings attached and you're bound to have a white christmas with this one. View it at our Esplanade store while it lasts.
Part goofballs, part wisecracks, we're a bunch of guys who simply love music and guitars. Whether you're a guitarist or music lover, we invite you into our world wherein promises a unique concoction of fun, lameness, and episteme.
Keep the blues alive!
Our Stagg cymbals are in! And we are totally going crazy over them! We have individual cymbals as well as the package sets! Come on down today to try them!
Visit our retail outlet Zen Guitarwerkz to check them out!
On a totally different note, the rainy weather is so cooling, the resident cat was found seeking warmth from the office chair. Let's not disturb lest we turn into a scratching pole. Shhh...
I guess our guitars have turned out to be so popular that such robbery can take place. All in front of a camera. Woot! Someone seriously wants a Maestro guitar badly... Heh...