Thursday, March 15, 2007

Mama Mia!

Abba's songs are so apt sometimes. It's amazing what you can find in a guitar soundhole. Todate, I've found a SIM card, broken plectrums and even an Oreo Cookie! Not one, but two Oreo Cookies. I can understand the broken plectrums, but a SIM card? An Oreo Cookie??

Ok, my wandering inquisitive mind wouldn't let these instances rest so here are some possibilities:

1) The guy mistook the oreo cookie for a 3 ply fender pickguard


2) Since music is food for the soul, he decided to feed his guitar at the same time

Ok now the SIM card:

1) Maybe he thought that the SIM card could record his music and then mass sms to everyone in his contact list

I can really hear Mama Mia in my head playing right now!



Anonymous said...

He must've needed a plectrum badly and couldn't find one, so he used the SIM card. It works like magic!

Anonymous said...

haha i was just about to post this scenario as well! yeah, besides sim card, i also used to use phone cards but then i found out it's very bad as it will wear down the strings super fast!