The Zorb-It is now in stock, you can check them out at any of our Maestro outlets.
The Zorb-It is arguably the ideal solution to all your humidity related problems.
Singapore's humidity is almost always close to 80%, which is far too 'wet' for your prized guitars. High humidity levels can cause your guitar's belly to 'bloat', the neck to warp and the moisture can also seep into the wood and cause your guitar to sound horribly heavy and damp.
The ideal relative humidity levels for the well-being of our guitars is around 50%-60%.
In Singapore, most people would either resort to using common household desiccants such as Thirsty Hippo etc.
However, there are a few fatal problems with these common household desiccants.
The first point is most prevalent to us Singaporeans, they are not cost-effective. These desiccants have to be replaced every few days or weeks. And they are not exactly dirt-cheap either.
Each Zorb-It packet is re-usable, and they can last you 5-7 years on average.
The small 2x2 Zorb-It packets costs a mere $8, and the larger 4x4 one is only $18.
Now is that dirt-cheap. Say if you purchase the 4x4 Zorb-It for $18 and use it for 5 years, that is a mere $3.60 per year, or $0.01 per day. And think of all the hassle, effort and time you will save. Now that truly is priceless.
Second point, desiccants such as Thirsty Hippo do not work well for guitars and instruments in general as they are not designed for such purposes.
In fact, they can do more damage than good.
Why? That is because the sole purpose of ordinary desiccants is the bring the humidity level down to ZERO%. That makes it too 'dry' for your guitar, which thrives best at at humidity level of 50-60%.
Furthermore, ordinary desiccants have a very small capacity to absorb moisture. So when exposed to very high humidity levels, they are fully saturated with water vapor extremely quickly. And then, they just stop functioning.
So the humidity level drops temporarily, then bounces back up again. This fluctuation of the humidity level can be potentially destructive to your guitar.
In essence, these desiccants do not effectively maintain a constant relative humidity of 50-60%.
However, the Zorb-It does.
It has a water retention rate that is 1000% higher than normal desiccants. And, it works both ways. It can absorb water-vapor and it can also provide moisture to the area in which it is governing. So the humidity level in your guitar's hardcase is always maintained at an ideal humidity level of 50-60%.
All that is required is to place the Zorb-It in your guitar's hardcase and that is it.
Leave all the hard-work to the Zorb-It and concentrate on making your music!
For more information, check out the following links:
How does the Zorb-It works?
More in-depth technical info about the Zorb-It.
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