September's jovial bunch!
To start off, I would like bring to your awareness that we are conducting free guitar lessons.
Some of you might already know, or have already signed up. But this is for those who are still in the dark to this great offer.
Maestro Pluck & Play Academy is offering 4 free guitar lessons at our Maestro Living Room outlet at Parklane.
Every Saturday for 4 Weeks. First lesson will begin the first Saturday of June. (Programme repeats monthly)
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
20 Pax.
Above 16 Years Old.
One time $15 per pax registration fee for course materials and administrative charges.
Note: Guitars not provided
The course is aimed at beginners and will cover:
- Introduction to the instrument
- Tuning basics
- Introduction to strumming patterns
- 5 basic chords
- At least 2 songs
- Basic finger exercises
- Basic music theory
- Notes on the fretboard
- Introduction to tablature
Drop by any of our Maestro outlets to sign up. Each class is limited to 20 pax, so please do yourselves a favour and sign up soon!
Now that we have gotten the 'official' bit over and done with, I would like to tell you why you should really consider signing up for our programme.
Firstly, it is economical. You cannot deny it.
The $15 registration fee is not even enough to cover our base-cost. We do not earn a single cent from this, quite the contrary, really.
Yet, we continue on with this programme because we wish to ease the process for newcomers to pick up this wonderful instrument that is the guitar.
And also it serves as a way for us to give back to the local music community that has been so supportive of us for all this time.
Simply put, you will never find a better deal.
And for a class of 20, we have two instructors. One being the very talented and able Stephen aka Botak, and the other being yours truly.
We have conducted quite a number of classes already so far, and I can personally guarantee that you will complete the course equipped with at least a strong foundation of the basics.
We are able to give each and every student tailored tutoring to ensure that everyone grasps the lesson. And from personal experience, I really cannot say the same for the guitar-lessons conducted by the Community Centers.
Not only will we teach you how to play the guitar, we will also teach you about the guitar.
So if you have always wanted to learn why some guitars sound better than others, and related questions, we are here to help you discover the subtleties and nuances of the guitar and enable you become a more discriminating player/buyer.
And frankly, each class is a just a joy to conduct.
I really enjoy every lesson, because it simply is so much fun.
So here is another thing that I can surely say, you will have fun learning the guitar.
Some people frown upon group lessons, quantifying them as being inferior to one-on-one tutelage.
Well, I beg to differ. And this is why;
Firstly, one-on-on is expensive.
It can range anywhere from $30-$75 per hour.
If I were a beginner starting from ground-zero, I would really not want to pay that kind of money for somebody to teach me simple things like tuning, and basic cowboy chords.
Secondly, it is intimidating. Especially if the teacher is somebody new to you.
Thirdly, it can get pretty dull. You are after all seeing the same fellow all the time.
My personal take is that one-one-one lessons are more suitable for people with either;
1.) deep pockets
2.) very inflexible schedules
3.) intermediate to advanced grasp of the guitar
One-on-one tutelage is good for people who already have a good understanding of the guitar and want to further their understanding. So the teacher is teaching you more advanced stuff, and one-on-one allows him to cater to your advanced and diverse needs specifically. So you are getting your money's worth.
Also, group lessons are just so much fun. Yes, I have repeated this phrase many times. But it just is true!
Our students help each other out and offer encouragement. They play and sing together and enjoy the learning process. And they always end up being friends beyond the classroom. Now, the friendships forged and camaraderie developed is just something that you cannot put a price on.
And we are also offering an extension programme for student graduating from our free beginner's course.
So, to conclude. Our lessons are something out of the ordinary. Come join us to experience it for yourself!
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